English Translation
This took place on the following day.
hej allihopa, kan nagon förklara varför inte “ägda”
This took place on the following day.
hej allihopa, kan nagon förklara varför inte “ägda”
“Ägde” är preteritum av verbet äga (äga, ägde, ägt). Ägda är ett böjt particip och ganska ovanligt: “tillgångar ägda av staten” (vanligare: “tillgångar som ägs av staten”).
This took place on the following day.
Does ”att äga rum“ literally mean to own (the) room/space?
Yes, that’s the literal meaning, but it’s an idiom so it doesn’t sound weird to us.
Knowing that I can think of the literal translation of ”owning room“ (after literally having taken the place) is a helpful mnemonic to remember this cloze.
Is ”ägde rum“ equivalent to ”hände“ or ”skedde“, or is there a difference?
More or less. There may be nuances that are hard to explain clearly.
Nevermind then. And thanks!
It suffices for the foreseeable future to know that I can use these words interchangeably without butchering the language too much.