Das Software-Update hat die Einstellungen auf meinem Computer durcheinandergebracht.

English Translation

The software update messed up the settings on my computer.

“durcheinandergebracht” A bit of a mouthful wouldn’t you agree. A malfunctioning computer usually provokes a few expletives from even the s refined type. What would be an alternative word in these circumstances, “verkorkst” or “beschädigt” perhaps?

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Sure, there are colloquial or even slang alternatives, much like english has “f***ed up”.
dict.cc has some suggestions: dict.cc | messed up | English Dictionary

But it depends on how far you want to drift away from family friendly language.

Your suggestion “verkorkst” works, while I’d say “beschädigt” is too far off meaning-wise (or would you use “damaged” here?). “durcheinander” is more like “shuffled” or “reordered” into chaos, rather than “broken”.

And finally, some words are as long as they are, and there’s no way around it. If you speak fast, you can reduce “durcheinander” from 4 syllables (durch-ein-an-der) to 3 by shrinking the “ein” to an “n” (durch-nan-der).


Good advice, and personally I do not want to use “non-family friendly language”, but there is a case for having knowledge of these words in case they come up say, during a conversation or when reading a book. When Clozemaster presents a sentence containing a “dubious word” I tend to press the “ignore” button.