Das habe ich von vielen Leuten gehört.

English Translation

I’ve heard that from a lot of people.

Google Translate gives the German for “I’ve heard that about a lot of people” as the same as the Cloze sentence here. They mean different things. Can the German be dis-ambiguated to point specifically to these two different English meanings?

It’s true that the German sentence “Das habe ich von vielen Leuten gehört.” is ambiguous.

The two meanings:

  • “I’ve heard that about a lot of people.” This can also, and should, instead be translated as “Das habe ich über viele Leute gehört.”
  • “I’ve heard that from a lot of people.” This is usually the intended meaning of the German sentence.

For the first meaning, there is a better, alternative translation. For the second meaning, there isn’t. So to avoid ambiguousness, you should avoid to use this German sentence to express the first meaning.

Excellent clarification. Many thanks. The translations presented with each Cloze sentence often feel a little ‘loose’ to me, and I’ve started using the ‘explain’ button to orient myself, a native English speaker obsessively concerned with nuances of the language, which you might infer.

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