English Translation
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What’s the difference between “Ihre” and “Ihnen” in formal situations?
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What’s the difference between “Ihre” and “Ihnen” in formal situations?
Sie = “you” (nominative, accusative)
Ihnen = “you” (dative)
Ihr/Ihre/Ihren/Ihrem = “your” (follows same declension rules as adjectives)
Sie sind sehr höflich = You (formal) are very polite (nominative)
Ich kann Sie sehen = I can see you (formal, accusative)
Ich möchte Ihnen helfen = I want to help you (formal, dative because of “helfen”)
Ist das Ihr Hund? = Is that your (formal) dog?
Ich sehe Ihren Hund = I see your (formal) dog
Ich sehe Ihre Katze = I see your (formal) cat
Ich spiele mit Ihrem Hund = I’m playing with your (formal) dog (dative because of “mit”)