Dajmy to zrobić komuś innemu.

How are we supposed to know that this should be in the first person plural?

there’s no way of knowing, almost all forms of dać are correct here

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English Translation

Let somebody else do it.

Either edit to add additional correct answers or change the translation to say “let’s”

Let’s doesn’t seem a good solution here, how would you say it? Let’s let it be done by somebody else?. I think the most accurate translation would be We should let it be done by somebody else.

Well “we should” would be better translated “powinniśmy” so I was trying to give the sense of the sentence rather than introduce new elements. If you want to be absolutely literal it would be something more like “let’s give it to someone else to do.” which works in English I guess, it’s just not how I’d probably say it naturally.

Oh you’re right. I would never think of “let’s give it to someone else to do”. Now I agree it’s the best translation here.

English Translation

Let somebody else do it.

Let’s let someone else do it sounds fine to me as an AmE native