Daily Upper Limit?

I couldn’t decide where else to put this. I’m steady at it when someone comes in and does over 2,000 sentences in a day (if they’re spelling- I haven’t checked). It’s possible. I could do it myself if I put my mind to it and wanted to spend the time. It is about the leaderboard too. It undercuts the motivational factor when someone does this.

So what’s the point that you’re trying to make, that other people need to be hobbled to bring them back to your own level to make sure that you aren’t de-motivated? If not, what ARE you saying, exactly?

First, that guy didn’t do 2000 sentences in a single day. He has 79,096 points in Icelandic for the week. I presume that you divided that by 32 to get 2,472 sentences. The one problem with that is that he did not get all of those points in the last 24 hours. If you look at his MONTHLY score (since we’re on the 2nd of the month in my time zone) his score is only 44,800. That means that 43% of his points for this week were in fact scored between Monday and Wednesday. It also means that he was way ahead of you on points long before today.

The big thing, though, is that you can’t just look at someone’s points to see whether they’re rorting the system, you also need to look at their time. You can generally tell a script kiddie if they are #1 on a leaderboard in points, and nowhere to be found in the top 10 on time. But that’s not the case here. You have done only 1 hour 40 minutes 23 seconds this week to date. He has done 4 hours 39 minutes, almost 3 hours more than you. So yes, he’s run ahead of you on points. That’s not his problem, and it’s not a legitimate source of a gripe.


I always compare with other people doing spelling. I get much higher up the board that way.