Czy ktoś zna nazwisko zmarłego? (Sentence Note)

NOte: zmarły (adjective)

  • zmarły 1] (adjective) late (deceased) 2] (m.p. noun) the deceased, the departed
  • Example 1] Śnię o mojej zmarłej żonie każdej nocy = I dream about my late wife every night.
  • Example 2] Zmarły pozostawił majątek swojej żonie = The deceased left his estate to his wife.
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Bad translate! Correct is: What about your life? Not wife!

English Translation

Somebody has died.

acceptable here was umarł. What is the difference between umarł and zmarł?

There’s no difference, these are two alternative forms of the same word. There are many like that, sometimes with even more than two versions, but they usually have the same meaning. Few examples:

  • ukradł, skradł / he stole
  • upadł, spadł / he fell
  • kupił, zakupił / he bought
  • ukończył, skończył, zakończył / he finished