Cosa pensi di quei scrittori giapponesi?

English Translation

What do you think of those Japanese writers?

“quegli scrittori”, non “quei scrittori”


This cloze cannot be found in a global search, so I take it it’s “hidden” somewhere in the new FFT, which regrettably is not searchable. A search on " scrittori giapponesi" tells us that the near-identical sentence “Cosa ne pensi di quegli scrittori giapponesi?” is present in the “legacy” FFT.

BTW, please report any errors you find using the red Report button in the bottom-right corner.


At least these corrections give us discussion points, a little extra to learn from. This one might have passed me by had you not emphasised “quegli” so mille grazie.


It is found in the Fast Track Level 5, I hadn’t reported it and I just did, thank you for the reminder! I do believe in the merit of leaving a comment so that in case it doesn’t get fixed, others can clear their doubts.

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I heartily agree with adding a helpful note.

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