Are there ever any challenges within the Clozemaster community? Or is that too gimmicky for this community?
I would welcome some weekly or monthly challenges from time to time, for those that are interested. It could be xx points per day or simply to reach the personal daily goal for xx days in a row, whatever it might be. No obligation and no prizes, just to keep each other accountable and motivated.
Just wondering if anyone else could use some push.
So how are u going @paris2020, what’s your streak today? I’m on 1688 days with Reviews at 200. I tend not to worry about reviews and mix them in with moving on.
Have a good day.
It’s all part of a daily routine now and the day doesn’t seem right without reading, speaking or just thinking some Italian. Mind you, this is a tiddler compared to some: -)
Well, I don’t know of any challenges suggested by the site’s owners, but you can always open threads for people to write in their target language about this or that subject. Not a “challenge” in the normal sense, but it’s still all in the spirit of iron sharpening iron.
wow! That’s an impressive streak! I have a 1500 day streak on duolingo (I know, I know) but for that is with using streak freeze here and there. Not often - I have a 25 weeks consecutive perfect weeks (i.e., no streak freeze) but Clozemaster is so unforgiving that I have lost my streak a couple times after reaching more than 100-150 days. I was most recently at around 60 days, I believe, and then I missed it because I was traveling and with a long flight and time difference, I just lost track of time.
I am at French level 164, really like Clozemaster and am a devoted learner, but I guess my personality needs some external motivator such as a challenge or a streak. Thank you for checking in. You just motivated me to rebuild my streak. Wish me luck!
But the good thing after loosing a streak is: You can start a new one.
For me the streak is the external motivator: I don’t want to lose my streak and be thrown back to zero. When it’s already late in the evening and I haven’t practiced yet, and I’m already tired and would much rather just go to sleep, I feel the external motivator. I don’t want to lose my streak.
For me at least, that desire to not lose my streak is just as high when I’m on a 5-day-streak as when I’m on a 500-day-streak. So whenever I lose a streak, I immediately start a new one, and the external motivation is right back. Allow yourself half a day to be frustrated over losing your streak, but immediately pick up your task (to learn a language) where you dropped it.
I learned to no longer consider it demotivating when I lose my streak. For me, the streak is motivating while it’s there. And it has no effect on me (anymore) when I lose a streak. I simply start a new one.
Thank you. That’s a good way to think about it. I will try to teach myself to put it behind when I lose a streak and get right back into it. For me, the only time I lose it is when I lose track of time and forget as I sometimes work until past midnight. So I will set an alarm in addition to the daily CM reminder at 10 pm. Let me see for how long I can go this time and what happens when I do lose it, which is inevitable.
For me, it helps to integrate Clozemaster into existing routines. Lest I don’t forget it, and then realize I got lost in doing other things, and now it’s past midnight and my streak is gone.
Very simple example: Wake up in the morning, brush teeth, make coffee, do Clozemaster, open work laptop (if you work from home).
If you always do Clozemaster before some other, fixed event, then you don’t need an alarm at a certain time because you will by design remember to do Clozemaster. You identify something that you do daily (e.g. leaving the house in the morning to drive to the office, or sitting down on the couch to watch a movie after eating dinner). And then you allow yourself to start that activity only after you did some reviews on Clozemaster.
Lavazza Crema e Gusto is ClozeM time, even just to get started with a few Reviews. I lost my first streak while in Rapallo, Italy (I forgot the time difference!), devastating, so yes indeed, starting another one was paramount.
If you’re having trouble keeping your streak because you don’t always have time to study before midnight, you can try this trick: by changing your time zone you can move the cut-off time till later in the night.
I am at 8 days after missing a day last week The tip from @morbrorper to build it into a daily routine worked well except I was on a work trip for a few days and the changed routine/time difference messed with it.
On the other hand, I have made a big dent on my reviews - currently down to 7500 from 8500 just a week ago!
Thank you for checking in - I hope to report a big number next time
Good news! Btw, don’t forget working Offline on the app if there’s no WiFi nearby. It’s great fun if you’re queuing at the chemist or post office (wherever it is non-snatchable!) Ciao ciao!