Chiama il medico!

English Translation

Call the doctor!

Could this also be “dottore”?

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Just out of interest, dottore is a person with a specific university degree, eg lawyer, architect. Un medico is one who visits, who cares for people medically. So I would say that medico here is correct. Ciao👋


​[quote=“Floria7, post:2, topic:46732”]
Just out of interest, dottore is a person with a specific university degree, eg lawyer, architect
it’s true but in common usage the word “dottore” is mainly used only for those with a medical degree

if you are referring to the person and therefore to their qualification, use “dottore”, if the reference is more generic, use “medico”


You’re right GiuseppeBG. Mille grazie come sempre.

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