Allez, debout !

English Translation

Come on, get up!

Should this not be “stand up”, “get up” suggests se lever no?

Welcome to the forum @Alexandermcd11 !

Just like “to get up” can be used to mean:

  • to rise from bed after sleeping
  • to stand up

So can the verb “se lever” in French:

→ Il se lève tôt le matin. = He gets up early in the morning.

→ Il se leva et s’en alla = He got up and left/walked away.

We also use the verb “se lever” in a couple of expressions related to weather or time of day:

  • Le vent se lève. = The wind is picking up.
  • Le jour se lève. = The day rises / is breaking.

tldr: I think this example/translation is fine.