225 million in a few months? 'The_Professor' 7.4 million text input entries in a few months?

Probably shouldn’t even post this as anyone with even 2 brain cells knows the logic of all i am about to type anyway so the community is probably just ignoring and i am just stating the obvious. Ok so not sure on the exact time frame that this was ‘accomplished’ as i was not active on a daily basis and i never am but it can have been 1 day if it was as i suspect just a computer generated score but lets talk about it anyway. What is the point of our leader boards when there is clearly a way to cheat massively and have your account on the top of said leader board with an absolutely impossible score - not that i need to go into any mathematics but it is about maximum to get consistently 15000 points in an hour with text input on very short thoroughly mastered words so it would take 2 years playing repetitively mastered words 24 hours a day to achieve this… after 11 days no sleep you would die… so to achieve this would mean about 60 deaths over this 2 year span… with sleep factored in it would take at least 3 years and doing nothing else but PLAYING clozemaster for the entire waking moments presumably from some sort of padded cell so again unbelievable - therefore i would not even consider such a score humanly possible within even 7 years even from someone severely addicted with no other hobbies so can not see how the developer of this app has not taken any action for someone clearly cheating and demotivating others in the process and making the leaderboards if not the app itself look like a complete joke !!! anyone agree? Or did i miss the memo re: an all year round April fools day joke. The weirdest thing yet is this ‘The_Professor’ account has 15 followers :smiley:


Ciao and welcome @Viperalpha. Interesting. As I can’t add 2+2 together and don’t often look at Leagues, I’ll just re-read and wait to hear what others think as they have been here a lot longer than I have.

Have a good day meantime.


Thank you for calculating. It confirms my suspicions …
But you can always restrict your leaderboard to people you know.


All I will add is…yes, it doesn’t add up mathematically. I would say our true overall leader in points achieved is Adrianxu. And Adrian is a native Spanish speaker (from Spain) who gives invaluable help when we have questions on a particular Spanish sentence. (Many others also…to each I say “well done”)


As I see it, the leaderboard provides statistics that some people find useful to motivate themselves to work harder. They don’t need to be sure that all the scores from, say, 101st position to 1st position are genuine in order to have an interest in working their way from 101st to 100th.

It goes without saying that the best measures of success are ones that one needs to go outside Clozemaster to evaluate: one’s ability to maintain a conversation, understand a broadcast, read a book, and so on. But of course these are hard to perform, so the statistics that Clozemaster provides are useful. However, in terms of these statistics, I prefer (at least intellectually) the statistics that are based entirely on my own work (the levels I reach, the overall number of points I accumulate, and the length of my streaks) over the ones that compare me to others. Relative statistics depend on:

  • how many people happen to play a particular language pair at Clozemaster
  • how much time these people have available to play
  • the level of difficulty at which they choose to play relative to their level of mastery of the language (since playing easy sentences when you know the language very well will be faster than playing difficult sentences when you don’t)
  • and, as you’ve pointed out, whether people are willing to cheat in order to rise to the top

So there’s a large share of luck there unless you factor it out by just focusing on your movement within a narrow slice.

Cheating is an arms race: introduce one safeguard, and someone will figure out how to get around it. Yes, it would be nice if the Clozemaster team could come up with ways to prevent it. But their time is limited, and I’d far rather see them put their time into something else.


Great post @alanf_us. Unfortunately it happens everywhere - Duo, Cloze, Busuu etc. Busuu suffers greatly from work posted by students being constantly marked “Perfect!” instead of being corrected, just to get points, to be popular. I stopped correcting English students as it was too time-consuming and upsetting. I tend to avoid anything leaguist;-)


All true. Thanks to Viper… for starting this thread. I had wondered as much myself. In general, those active on Clozemaster seem less addicted to the leaderboards than a year or two ago… with the very significant exception of ‘The Professor’. As s/he is clearly not playing the same way we all are, I might agree he should be banned. For ‘The Professor’ debases the currency…

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Indeed. It really does seem so pointless. The name rings a loud bell, I must do some thinking.

A bad 2018 movie with Johnny Depp?

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So I ended up following the Professor because he popped up out of nowhere and seemed to be associated with Adrianxu who I was also following and seemed to be on more at the time. I noticed immediately that the pace of the Professor was blistering, but I got a kick out of seeing these ridiculous leaps of level, and it did strike me that it was a real person. His mysterious self would applaud my much more modest leaps, so it did seem that there was someone engaging, just like anyone else would. I always assumed it was someone very focused on fine tuning a language or two they already knew and were just blazing through it.

It will be interesting to see if the real Professor, should there be one, will emerge after this hubbub. In the main, I agree with alanf, that the competitive part of this is sort of meaningless since my main goal is trying to improve my language skills not playing Call of Duty. Even if I were number one on the charts (which I am not), it is sort of meaningless if I am tongue-tied when I have a real opportunity to speak with someone native to a language I am learning. I do enjoy having the scoring there and in fact, I really appreciate the way it builds as you get to higher levels in a language. I look at the clozemaster wide scores mostly for a little break.

That said, if the Professor does not exist, then he should not be hogging the number one position that rightfully would belong to Adrianxu. Hard to see what purpose it serves though to make up someone and install them at number one or to cheat there way to number one for that matter. Its not like this is Esports with money and fame showered on the victor. Just my contribution and wishing all of us well on our language learning journeys.


Mamma mia, The Professor better watch out! :eyes: I’m 27th on the board today and only in first gear;-)!


Ask and it shall be given. (Check the main all-time leaderboard!)

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Is it me?! Really, am I at the top, ready with my thank-you speech?! Oh, I see not, no need to thank my agent. Ah well, non sono preoccupata! :blush:To the top person, Respect indeed! :+1:

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Le professeur n’est pas la… r

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Ma mi chiedio, dove cavolo è? :thinking:Ah, bravo Adrianxu!! :tada::fireworks:


Yes, bravo Adrianxu! But the mystery, où est le professeur?, dove cavolo è? remains…this is a situation that may require me to use the prize winning 22 lb. trout I caught at the lake last week!


The rightful true leader! Well done Clozemaster… Congrats to Adrianxu (and thanks for all the help you’ve given us).


So, I wonder why the Professor is back on top of the leaderboard…