+1,250,000 points in a single week

Hi. I’m still getting used to the Review method and tend to use Multiple Choice to speed up words n phrases I’m pretty sure of, then pop back to Text Input for new lessons. I hope this sounds right. Really enjoying this site after getting lazy with “the other one”. Cheers!


I do the opposite, multiple choice for new words and text input for reviews. Anyway everyone learns differently. And yeah I know you from the other site, you were really “famous” in the forum. Anyway you don’t have to hide the name of the site. Even Clozemaster says the name of it in its blog.

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That’s interesting, I might switch and try your way as well. I thought I recognised you too, so hi again. Stay well.


Agreed; that’s just gaming the system. BUT:

I’d go further than that when talking about max intervals. Mine is set to 30 days. Doubling that would mean 2 months before I next saw the sentence, then 4 months, then 8 months… and that’s just not useful as a review. Not to me, anyway. In reality just because I have something set to 30 days doesn’t mean that I’ll SEE it in 30 days, because at present I’m playing 11,335 sentences* and doing, if I believe the line chart, between 500 and 1000 reviews per day. (Which actually sounds a bit high to me, but it would be several hundred at least.) My main problem at the moment is that when I started I didn’t really understand reviews, so I wasn’t doing them. As a result I ended up with over 10,000 sentences in there which I’ve culled down to about 5,000-something.

*If I believe my dashboard. If I believe my profile it’s 13,562. It may be that the dashboard number is FFT only, whereas I’m also doing a number of both pre-set and now custom collections too.

Anyway, the point is… with a really, really bad memory I need to hit reviews as often as possible. It may well BE two months before I see the same sentence again because of the sheer volume that I’m playing (though some sentences pop up with different clozes which helps), but I don’t want the system doubling down every time. If it gets to the stage of 16 months, for example… I don’t plan to be doing Clozemaster on the one language 16 months from now. (That doesn’t mean that I’ll just drop the language, but I use it practically as well. There will come a point where Clozemaster will be useful only as a diversion, at which time it’ll be time to head off into another language.) I want to have moved on to another language within 16 months, but for each language I need to saturation-bomb my brain until enough “sticks”.

Hey, I’m impressed that you can do that even once!

Yes, I wrote the same recently.

Impressive; 60K in 2 hours is really hammering it. I’ve not tried to do that yet. I think the benefit to be gained from it would also be that the sentences are flying at you so fast that you’re forced to think in the target language and only in the target language.

My… I wouldn’t necessarily call it a “goal”, but the thing that I keep in my cross-hairs is to try to level up every 2 days. If I don’t, I don’t, but that’s the marker I use. 2am, though!!! I get up around 4, 4:30ish (I used to have a long commute pre-COVID and the habit has stuck) and do an hour or an hour and a half before having a shower; that yields maybe 7 or 8 thousand, depending on how many I pause to ruminate over. If I just need a time-out break during the day I’ll do a bit more, then I’ll usually do a session to wind down in the evening. I think the most I’ve done is 30, 40 thousand maybe in a single day, though the points aren’t necessarily a good marker of how much you’ve seen either. When I started to clear my Reviews I was mostly getting “100%” sentences but for the last 2 or 3 days I’ve been dredging up a lot of “50%” ones so I’ve probably been doing the same or a similar number of sentences for fewer points. I’m not unduly worried by this because I look at the points as being more of an indication than a measure anyway. (But yes, it does feel good when you get a big number for the day or week.)

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So nice to see you on this site. Hope you’re enjoying it. It really complements the “other” site very well. I now spend more time here. giz

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Ciao giz. I’m really happy to be here, thank you for your kind words. I too spend far more time here now and wish I’d moved a lot sooner. I followed you back, so happy learning!

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Thank you, Floria! I wouldn’t have recognized you if it wasn’t for your picture. Good to see nice people like you here! :smile: gl


Same avatar but new name. I wanted to keep it as Floria (sung by Maria Callas, the heroine of my favourite Italian opera “Tosca”)


2 millions - once, but Never again.
Thanks to Adrianxu_ for your company, but why did you stop so close to 2 millions?

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Well I was not at home :slight_smile: I didn’t actually “stop” . Check the private message I sent you :))

Being able to adjust the spacing of reviews has completely altered how I see language learning and Clozemaster in particular.

Before paying for the full-service, I had been learning various languages here and was wondering why certain things just didn’t stick. I really badly wanted to review and review and review certain things, but couldn’t. I was starting to think that Clozemaster was another dead end.

I have a shocking memory. I had a lot of fun destroying my memory, but getting it back is going to take a lot of hard work. I’m here for the rebuilding of my memory as much as I am for the learning of languages. But in order to do this, I have had to investigate and experiment with the periodicity of reviews.

In so doing, my sense of what is possible as regards memorisation has been completely revolutionised. I have been able to find my groove, and am still experimenting with and fine-tuning it.

I’m glad to see from this thread that others are also working out their own systems, using the flexibility of review.

I don’t know if humans can ever really stop themselves from caring about competitions and games. But if these things were all that I cared about, I would not be able to progress. If I pushed myself to equal the high scores of a language that I really enjoy, like Kernewek, I would burn out. Having drilled all 3000+ sentences at least a couple of times, I’m now ready to do more substantive grammar work in a different forum. From here on my engagement with the language on Clozemaster will simply be upkeep.

And so on and so forth for every language - it will get what it needs - what I need - in the way that I need to do it, until it needs to change.

If this app had forced me to stick to certain rules, certain styles of learning, I think I might have given up or at least moved elsewhere

Flexibility. So important. I see the new feature of radio as being an addition to this flexibility, which should itself be as flexible as possible. And anything else that can be done to increase the number of learning possibilities, should be , imho


Hola a todos,

Hello everyone,

This week will have interesting moments.

In my opinion Expugnator will be back in the next few days. He withdrew from the game at the end of June after a small argument with Ceize. I think he’ll be back now, and I’m sure he’s interested, because he has had a daily look at Clozemaster anyway.

As for me, I’ll achieve one of my goals tomorrow. To have more than 29,000,000 points.

Maybe tomorrow at 12 Central European time there will be a high noon, a final countdown. We will see.

I dedicate the next few days to Ceid, who was so annoyed back in June.

This weekend, Simongyg will likely set a breathtaking new record with well over 2,000,000 points per week. Congratulations. And greetings to Hungary -I think. It’s a beautiful country and it has a beautiful capital, Budapest, I love Budapest, one of the most beautiful towns all over the world.
You surely will be on top of the Leaderboard within a week or two.

Thanks to Adrianxu for accompanying me so many months, about a month ago, you suddenly stopped. What a pity.
Saludos desde Alicante a mi vecino de Sevilla.

A few more words to Mike. Thank you for this wonderful app and all the work you do with it. You’re doing really great. You fulfill almost every wish of your users.

—- I still don’t understand why there are at least two points (or 4, 8, 16 or 32 points), but nowhere is there only one. This leads to an inflation of the points. But it doesn’t matter.

—- The leaderboard is only of interest to gamers. Someone who really learns a language will never find himself at the top of the leaderboard. To change that, there would have to be a lot of changes. So leave it as it is.

—- Maybe I have a new idea that also takes language learners into account.

A daily (or weekly) test where you can get 50 or 100 or 500 or 1000 or 10,000 points, whatever.

Everyone who takes part decides on exactly one language, e.g. Spanish from English. Then, in the test, from all, really a l l collections of Spanish from English and a l s o English from Spanish, randomly, no matter how long the learner has been there, 50 or 100 or 500 sentences are being selected.

Each learner has only one chance per day (or per week, but better per day). There must also be a time limit in minutes so that no dictionaries are used or something like that.

This can then result in a leaderboard per day, per week, per month, or even per year.

The result would then be a Position-fixing of the learning situation of each participating user. I admit: Not that easy to do. But maybe interesting.

Thank you for evrything, Mike, really thank you.

Liebe Grüße aus Deutschland an alle Nutzer, seid fleißig und

C u i d a t e!

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It’s odd to me that you seem to consider repeatedly playing the same sentences over and over again for points some kind of major achievement.

Someone who really learns a language will never find himself at the top of the leaderboard.

The reason that is so is that the current system makes it possible for people to endlessly play the same sentences for 32 points. If you had to play more sentences to earn so many points, you might learn more.

I’m at the top of the French from English leaderboard and I played all the 110,000 available sentences, not just the same few sentences over and over. I learned a lot of French in the process.


Hello Kadrian, didn’t want to hurt you.

Bonjour, Kadrian. Excuse-Moin, Je suis vraiment désolé. Je ne voulais pas te snober ou te blesser. Je ne veux jamais blesser personne. Je regrette . Je ne connais pas du tout le classement du français. Je ne connais que le classement pour tout le monde et je suis sûr qu’il n’y a que des joueurs dans les dix premières places.

Mais je suis très heureux que tu apprend le français. Je connais de nombreux Anglais et quelques US-Américains qui ne parlent que l’anglais, même s’ils sont en Allemagne depuis 10 ou 15 ans.

C’est bien que ce soit différent en Australie. Salutations à l’Australie.

Que pendes-tu de mon idée de faire un test quotidien ou chaque semaine de toutes les collections? Je pense que ce serait plus juste.

Je te souhaite un bon week-end et: Prends soin de toi.