New Dashboard UI

I see that the FFT overview pop up is now available. How awesome and super quick too! Thank you @mike


So to summarise:

  • The new dashboard is more centred on the screen;
  • The [Play] button is disabled if there are no items to play (YEEEESSSS!!! NO MORE CRYING PIKACHU!!!)
  • There is now a [Review] button on the collections which makes it faster for us to get to the reviews; and
  • If my eyes do not deceive me the leaderboards are running an order of magnitude faster than they were, at least, they are for me tonight.

So all in all… THANK YOU @mike !!!


May I echo that big THANK YOU @mike!


I see the progress overview for the FFT! :tada: I love it, thank you!

And yes, the leaderboards are loading much faster for me too! :smiley:


I am pretty sure my wish came true? The unpinned collections from which I review sentences are no longer creeping back into the dashboard, and I am thrilled to have the ability to keep a lean and focused dashboard. Thank you!

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