Shouldn’t it be “toute autre chose” since chose is a feminine word?
“Si […] « tout » ne peut être ôté de la phrase, il s’accorde. C’est un adjectif indéfini. On peut alors le remplacer par « n’importe quelle ».”
The sentence author on Tatoeba doesn’t agree with me, but I’ve thrown this reference at him: Banque de dépannage linguistique - Tout autre
Thank you for the excellent resources. I came across this sentence which says “toute autre chose” here - Je veux cela plus que toute autre chose. - French example sentence - Tatoeba
Thank you for asking the question of that particular contributor. For that, you have my gratitude … and my heartfelt sympathy.
I’ve just read the replies from the contributor (i.e. the “rant”) -
Je veux être avec toi plus que tout autre chose. - French example sentence - Tatoeba
Oh, so it appears that you’re not allowed to ask questions of that contributor, because you/we are not francophones
This reminds of this previous thread discussing their sentences and their attitude -
Nous en sommes pour ainsi dire certaines. - Sentence Discussions / French - Clozemaster Forum
I like the fact that @paris2020 has found a sentence from the same author using toute autre chose. I’m sure that the contributor would find some ridiculous quasi-justification as to why they are different.
Anyway, to the question of tout vs toute in this sentence, the people at the Académie Française have something to say -
tout, toute | Dictionnaire de l’Académie française | 8e édition (
To quote the relevant part -
Tout autre reste invariable au féminin lorsque tout, modifiant autre, est adverbe et signifie Tout à fait, entièrement. C’est tout autre chose, C’est une chose tout à fait autre. Il faut toute autre lorsque toute détermine le nom qui suit autre et qu’il est, par conséquent, adjectif. Demandez-moi toute autre chose, Demandez-moi toute chose autre que celle que vous me demandez.
So, for this sentence, could we replace tout with entièrement or tout à fait. The sentence would then become Je veux être avec toi plus que chose tout à fait autre. No, that doesn’t seem to be correct at all (but I’m not a francophone ).
Therefore, we need to use the rule that begins il faut … lorsque …, and the sentence becomes Je veux être avec toi plus que toute autre chose, as suggested by @paris2020.
P.S. I’m now imaging what the contributor’s reaction would be to that. “How dare they use the word Académie to make themselves sound important?”. “The Académie Française is elitist.”. “Yes, but that’s not how people use French in daily life.” etc.
I do appreciate your efforts with this, but only you can decide whether it’s even worth your effort posting any more replies to that individual (although I understand that you’re just trying to get the sentence correct on Tatoeba, and the “discussion” is simply the process to do that).
Thanks for your moral support, and for the Academie reference! My hope is that some other francophone will give a second opinion, if they are brave enough.
Just read the thread on Tatoeba. That’s indeed an abominable reaction from the author. Entirely unnecessary and inappropriate. Being relatively new to Clozemaster, didn’t realize that kind of behavior existed in the community. Makes me glad to have found the contradictory sentence by the very author. I appreciate the inquiry @morbroper, and helpful information from the Acacemie @zzcguns. I will ask my French teacher and report back if any new information comes to light.