Das Fußballspiel wird jetzt übertragen.

English Translation

The football game is now being broadcast.

I suggest that “senden” is more commonly used to mean “to broadcast” rather than “übertragen”.

Both words are commonly used.

A TV channel is indeed called “Sender”.

A show/broadcast can be called both “Sendung” or “Übertragung”.

The verb “senden” has the other very common meaning of sending a parcel/package. Whereas “übertragen” is the word that is usually used when (it’s clear from the context that) you want to send a (digital/analog) signal, such as a broadcast.

I myself prefer “übertragen” for this sentence for this reason.

ChatGPT is of a different opinion “In German, “senden” is more commonly used to mean “to broadcast” rather than “übertragen”. “Senden” specifically refers to the act of transmitting or broadcasting something, such as radio or television broadcasts. On the other hand, “übertragen” can also mean “to transmit” or “to transfer”, but it is used in a broader sense and can refer to transferring information, data, rights, etc., in addition to broadcasting. Therefore, if you want to specifically refer to broadcasting in the context of media (radio, TV), “senden” would be the more appropriate and commonly used term.”

ChatGPT is an unreliable source of information, to keep it family-friendly. A bullshit fabricator, to be blunt.

I, on the other hand, am a German native speaker. I’m also a computer scientist with an academic background in artificial intelligence research.

People need to stop believing ChatGPT were a reliable source of information. Don’t take everything it says at face value. It can be of some value insofar as it can give you a starting point to start your own research, but in most cases it’s horribly wrong and—what’s worse—very confident when it’s wrong. You absolutely have to doubt everything it says and do your own research to double-check. For example, by asking native speakers.

ChatGPT should be the start of your own research, not the end of your own research.


Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu deinen schulischen Leistungen. Deine Ratschläge sind sehr vernünftig. Ich schenke den Informationen im CHATgpt und den Kommentaren im Clozemaster-Forum gleichermaßen Glauben.

The meaning of the german “Sendung” is closer to “program(me)”. It can be anything from a movie to a game show. “Übertragung” is a broadcast of some real-life event, in the case of “Live-Übertragung” even in real time. “Live-Sendung” exists as well, but that’s used more for example for a talk show.
So, in the context of a football game, “übertragen” is a valid if not the most appropriate choice. “senden” works, too, but that’s because it is an umbrella term that’s less specific.

ChatGPT is right in that these words also have more general meanings/uses, but when it comes to TV, I’m completely with davidculley here.
And ChatGPT is definitely unreliable. It will happily tell you half-truths, or complete BS, with 100% confidence.

Let me make it a bit more clear. “senden” is literally about radiating waves from the antenna of the TV/radio station to your receiver, while “übertragen” is at a more abstract level, and is about bringing a real-life event to your home. So “übertragen” is of course done by means of “senden”, but is more specific.

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In case this (your first sentence) is meant sarcastically (it’s hard to tell in written communication on an online forum): I apologize if I hurt your feelings in any way.

This is exactly what you shouldn’t do: Giving the same credence to

  • humans with human intelligence evolved over millions of years and who are experts in the field about which you want to know, and
  • some mathematical function that is sold to you as “artificial intelligence” but is anything but intelligent because it has no understanding at all and no ability to reason, and is only a glorified “auto-complete” that draws word after word from a probability distribution where, at each step, it picks the word that seems to be most likely to come next, according to the data on which the mathematical function was fitted.

In case this sounds very complicated to you, all I’m saying is: Don’t trust a stupid machine as much as an actual person who has spoken the language of your interest for his entire life.

Please know that I’m only responding because I want to help you learn German. My “academic accomplishments” were only meant to show you that I know what I’m talking about when I tell you that you shouldn’t put so much trust into ChatGPT.

Just to drive home my point (with some overdramatization):

You wouldn’t lecture your surgeon on the day of your heart surgery: “But ChatGPT said that you should cut open my foot with a chainsaw.”

English Translation

The football game is now being broadcast.

It seems to me that the denigration of Artificial Intelligence by some intellectuals can be seen as a modern parallel to the concerns raised by the Luddites during the Industrial Revolution?